Xuancheng’s agricultural industrialization high-quality development

Adhere to stable production and quality improvement, green and safe, and deeply cultivate the market to build a brand Adhere to the political responsibility of food security, ensure the stable production and supply of important… 阅读更多 »

Minsheng Bank successfully issued 30 billion yuan of perpetual bonds

On August 19, China Minsheng Bank issued an announcement that it had successfully issued the “China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd. 2024 Perpetual Capital Bond (First Phase)” in the interbank bond market across China, and completed… 阅读更多 »

From January to July, the national general public budget revenue was 13566.3 billion yuan

The Ministry of Finance announced the fiscal revenue and expenditure in July 2024 on the 26th. Data showed that from January to July, China’s general public budget revenue was 13566.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease… 阅读更多 »

Taiwan has become the second largest source of foreign investment actually used in Jiangxi

Jiangxi is the inland province closest to Taiwan. In order to give full play to this location advantage, Jiangxi has made every effort to seize the opportunity of Taiwanese businessmen’s investment in the mainland to… 阅读更多 »

Hebei’s economy continued to grow steadily from January to July

The implementation of preferential policies for enterprises has achieved results, and the industrial economy has achieved steady growth Data show that from January to July, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in… 阅读更多 »

Yichun: B&B economy sees development

This summer, rural homestays in Heilongjiang are becoming increasingly popular, and some boutique homestays are even hard to find a bed. The series of reports “Cool in Heilongjiang” takes you to Jiayin, Yichun, to explore… 阅读更多 »

Wulingyuan District: Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotes Tourism

Since the beginning of this year, the folk drama “Charming Xiangxi” has been performed more than 450 times, receiving 1 million Chinese and foreign tourists. Wulingyuan has 44 representative intangible cultural heritage projects, including 9… 阅读更多 »

Shanxi Province’s fixed asset investment increased by 1.9% year-on-year

Recently, the reporter learned from the Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics that from January to July, the province’s fixed asset investment increased by 1.9% year-on-year. By industry, investment in the primary industry increased by 2.5%,… 阅读更多 »

Hunan’s economy recovered steadily from January to July

Hunan Provincial Bureau of Statistics announced on the evening of August 16 that the province’s economic operation has steadily recovered from January to July, and the quality and efficiency of development have continued to improve…. 阅读更多 »

Ningxia’s express delivery industry accelerates, reflecting economic vitality

According to industry statistics from the Ningxia Postal Administration, in the first half of this year, Ningxia’s express delivery business volume totaled 76.8336 million pieces, a year-on-year increase of 31.94%. In the first half of… 阅读更多 »