Xiongan New Area high-speed rail network construction has made new progress


The high-standard construction of Xiongan New Area has taken the lead in “transportation”. According to the plan, Xiongan New Area will build a “four vertical and two horizontal” high-speed railway network and a “four vertical and three horizontal” external expressway network connecting the whole country in the future.

Recently, the Gaofukou Tunnel, the first super-kilometer tunnel of the Hebei section of the Xiongxin High-speed Railway, undertaken by China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “China Railway 18th Bureau”), was successfully completed, marking a new breakthrough in the construction of the Hebei section of the Xiongxin High-speed Railway, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent ballastless track operation and the completion and opening of the entire line as planned in 2027. The construction of the “four vertical and two horizontal” high-speed railway network in Xiongan New Area has been accelerated again.

Xiao Chen, technical leader of the fourth section of the pre-station project of the Hebei section of the Xiong’an-Xinzhou high-speed railway, revealed that the Xiong’an New Area to Xinzhou high-speed railway is an important part of the Beijing-Kunming channel of the national “eight vertical and eight horizontal” high-speed railway network, and is also an important horizontal channel of the “four vertical and two horizontal” regional high-speed railway network of the Xiong’an New Area. The main line is 342 kilometers long with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour. There are 13 stations along the line, and the proportion of bridges and tunnels is as high as 88%. Among them, the Gaofukou Tunnel located in Fuping County, Hebei Province, crosses the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain. It is 2,344 meters long. The geological conditions along the line are complex and changeable, and the construction technology is very difficult. It is listed as a key and difficult control project of the entire line. “During the construction process, the project team dynamically optimized the construction team, strictly controlled the safe step distance of the tunnel construction, and strictly followed the principles of focusing on geology, leading the pipe, strict grouting, short advance, strong support, fast closure, frequent monitoring, and fast feedback during construction.” Xiao Chen introduced.