The Economic Development Zone issued 680 million yuan of government special bonds in the first half of the year

In order to fully promote the construction of key projects, in the first half of this year, Lishui Economic Development Zone successfully issued 6 government special bond projects, with a total amount of 680 million yuan in bond funds, which were mainly used in the fields of municipal and industrial park infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, and new energy infrastructure in the Economic Development Zone.

The issuance of special bonds provides a stable source of funds for local economic development, supports the implementation of infrastructure construction and other key projects, and promotes stable economic growth. Since the beginning of this year, the Economic Development Zone has seized policy opportunities, promoted project construction through measures such as issuing government special bonds, and continued to strengthen the planning, reserve, declaration, and issuance of special bond projects, and made every effort to promote the construction of special bond projects into the “fast lane”.

At the construction site of the Southwest Zhejiang Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park Project (Phase I), a scene of bustling activity came into view. Under the scorching sun, the construction workers still maintained a tense and orderly working state. The sounds of welding, cutting, and hammering came one after another, and everyone rushed to meet deadlines and catch up with progress to ensure that the project was carried out in an orderly manner according to the time schedule.

“After the government special bonds were issued, the funds were fully guaranteed, and the construction speed of our project was significantly improved. The interior decoration is currently underway.” Li Junbao, project manager of the Southwest Zhejiang Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park, introduced that with the support of special bond funds, all parties involved in the construction worked together to advance the project construction at full speed. At present, the construction of the project (Phase I) has completed 85% of the total project volume, and it is expected to be completed and put into use by the end of this year.

“The successful issuance of government special bonds not only provides guarantees for the launch and construction of projects in the short term, but also lays a good foundation for the long-term regional economic layout and development.” Relevant person in charge of Lishui Economic Development Zone said that as an important engine for local economic development, the infrastructure construction of the Economic Development Zone plays a key role in enhancing the attractiveness and competitiveness of the region. In the next step, the local government bond funds will be fully utilized to stabilize investment and make up for shortcomings, accelerate the construction of key projects, and promote the leapfrog and high-quality development of the Economic Development Zone.

Source: Lishui Daily