Hunan launches special action to protect migratory birds

Hunan Province recently issued the No. 4 General Forest Chief Order, deciding to launch a special action for migratory bird protection in the province from September 14 to April 30, 2025, severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that damage migratory bird resources, and effectively protect the safety of migratory bird migration and wintering.

The General Forest Chief Order requires all localities in Hunan Province to further improve the long-term mechanism for migratory bird protection with joint responsibility of the Party and the government, local responsibility, departmental coordination, source governance, and full coverage, pay attention to the combination of human defense, material defense, and technical defense, and increase the patrol and guard of the main migratory channels, wintering grounds, breeding grounds, and suspected bird hunting sites of migratory birds. Forest chiefs at all levels should urge relevant departments to strengthen supervision of key areas and important links such as farmers’ markets and catering places, and effectively crack down on illegal hunting, trading, and eating of migratory birds and other wild animals.

According to the General Forest Chief Order, Hunan Province will include migratory bird protection in the key tasks and supervision and assessment scope of the forest chief system. During the special action, forest chief offices at all levels will carry out comprehensive supervision and guidance, promptly rectify problems found, and supervise major issues.