Import value of China-Europe freight train “Yi-Xin-Ou” increased 21.4 times year-on-year

The import value of trains in the first seven months increased by 21.4 times year-on-year

Recently, the reporter learned from Hangzhou Customs that from January to July this year, the import and export value of the “YiXinOu” China-Europe train reached 26.71 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 130.7%, of which imports were 6.49 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.4 times.

In addition to traditional goods such as raw materials and agricultural products, more and more electromechanical products, consumer goods and cross-border e-commerce goods have appeared in the return trains.

“The return transport of China-Europe trains is more stable than sea transport, and the possibility of port delay is less, and the freight is cheaper than air transport.” Li Yisong, a salesperson of Yiwu Xiangtong Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., told reporters that the total value of cross-border goods transported by the company through return trains this year has reached more than 40 million yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, Yiwu platform has added two new routes, namely “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan” road-rail combined transport train and “Yiwu-Kaliningrad-Rostock” train, increasing the total number of routes to 16; Jinhua platform has added many new routes such as “Jinhua-Hungary” and “China-Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan”, covering France, Hungary, Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan and five Central Asian countries, radiating more than 120 cities.

In addition, the General Administration of Customs recently issued the “Guidance on Valuation of Return Transport and Related Costs of China-Europe Express”, accurately dividing the international and domestic freight of return imported goods, guiding enterprises to voluntarily declare the deduction of domestic freight, and reducing the tax burden for enterprises. According to Cao Zhongying, a relevant person in charge of Yiwu Customs, as of the end of July, Yiwu Customs has realized the deduction of domestic freight for 244 batches of return imported goods, with a value of 144 million yuan, reducing taxes for enterprises by nearly 300,000 yuan.