Xuancheng’s total import and export volume increased by 19.8% in the first half of the year


Since the beginning of this year, Xuancheng City has focused on stabilizing investment, promoting consumption and expanding foreign trade, and the resilience of economic development has been significantly enhanced. In the first half of the year, the total import and export volume increased by 19.8%, ranking first in the province.

Effective investment has grown steadily. Continue to implement the “6543” plan for industrial strengthening, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of construction projects. In the first half of the year, 407, 353 and 293 manufacturing projects with a value of more than 100 million yuan were newly signed, newly started and newly put into production, respectively, up 14%, 6.3% and 42.9% year-on-year; fixed asset investment increased by 5%, 1 percentage point higher than the provincial average. Focus on the investment of funds such as central budget investment, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, and large-scale equipment renewal, strengthen project planning and reserve, and optimize project management throughout the process.

The construction of key projects has been steadily advanced. Adhere to the “half-monthly notification, one-month summary, two-month scheduling, and quarterly observation”, adjust and optimize the investment “horse racing” incentive mechanism, and organize high-quality projects to participate in the provincial major project start-up mobilization meeting. In the first half of the year, the start-up rate of key provincial projects was 85.7%, ranking third in the province. Major projects such as the G50 Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway Expansion and Reconstruction Project, Gangkouwan Reservoir Irrigation Area Project, Fenghuangshan Reservoir, Ningguo Pumped Storage Power Station, Xuanzhou Hongrun New Energy, Guangde Xunna Sodium Ion Battery, and Ningguo Geely Power Battery have been accelerated, and the Ningguo Longtan Pumped Storage Power Station has started construction.

Consumption potential is constantly being released. The “Huidong Consumption · Beautiful Life” Huimin Consumption Season event was held, and the consumer goods trade-in action was deeply implemented. A total of 15.2 million yuan of various consumer coupons and consumer subsidies were issued in key areas such as automobiles, home appliances, supermarkets, and e-commerce, leveraging 320 million yuan in consumption. In the first half of the year, 24.22 million tourists were received, an increase of 10%, and tourism revenue of 22.6 billion yuan was achieved, an increase of 20.3%.

Foreign trade imports and exports grew rapidly. The “Huidong Global” Xuancheng Overseas Action was continuously carried out, and 245 companies were organized to participate in 208 domestic and foreign exhibitions, and intention orders of 110 million US dollars were reached. We actively expanded the scale of trade with countries and regions such as the “Belt and Road” and RCEP. In the first half of the year, we achieved imports and exports of 5.16 billion yuan with the “Belt and Road” countries, an increase of 37.7%, and 2.81 billion yuan with RCEP countries, an increase of 51.4%. We completed cross-border e-commerce transactions of 1.5 billion yuan, an increase of 30.4%.