Xuancheng’s agricultural industrialization high-quality development

Adhere to stable production and quality improvement, green and safe, and deeply cultivate the market to build a brand

Adhere to the political responsibility of food security, ensure the stable production and supply of important agricultural products, and improve the quality and efficiency of special agricultural products. Focus on special industries such as poultry, forestry, and vegetables to create the “Ecological Xuancheng·Green Products” brand. The grain planting area of ​​Xuancheng City has remained stable at more than 3.29 million mu for many years, and the total output has remained stable at more than 1.27 million tons; the annual output of poultry is 200 million, ranking first in the province; the tea garden area is 504,000 mu, and the output reaches 37,500 tons, ranking first in the province. The area of ​​walnuts in Xuancheng City is 550,000 mu, ranking second in the country in terms of area and output; Shuiyang Town, Xuanzhou District, “China’s No. 1 Town for Young Crabs”, produces 8,000 tons of young crabs annually, accounting for one-seventh of the total output of young crabs in the country. Achieve full coverage of provincial agricultural product quality and safety counties, of which Xuanzhou District and Ningguo City are national safety counties; 408 “two products and one standard” agricultural products have been certified; there are 4 provincial and above characteristic agricultural product advantage zones, including 1 national level; 5 pilot projects of “characteristic industry + finance + technology” in Anhui Province have been approved, ranking first in the province. There are 42 demonstration bases for the production, processing and supply of high-quality agricultural products in the Yangtze River Delta, with a total output value of 5.2 billion yuan.

Highlight the leading and driving of the main body, and increase the benefits through deep processing.
Xuancheng City has 99 provincial agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, including 10 national leading enterprises, ranking third and second in the province respectively; 3,555 registered farmers’ professional cooperatives, including 57 national demonstration cooperatives and 77 provincial demonstration cooperatives; 15,204 registered family farms, including 381 provincial demonstration family farms; 6 of the first batch of national agricultural industry strong towns, ranking first in the province. Solidly promote the development of agricultural product processing industry. From January to July this year, the output value of 371 agricultural product processing enterprises increased by 14.7%, ranking first in the province, accounting for 8.6% of the province. Focusing on the “three major actions” of building green food raw material bases to consolidate the chain, upgrading and strengthening the processing chain, and integrating and supplementing the chain, we actively promote the construction of the entire green food industry chain. In the first half of the year, the total output value of the green food industry chain reached 39.096 billion yuan.

Strengthen scientific and technological support, digital empowerment, and promote integration through innovative formats

Further expand new functions and formats of agriculture, deepen digital villages and smart agriculture, cultivate new formats and models such as the Internet of Things for agricultural products, rural e-commerce, and live streaming, and promote close connection between online and offline production and sales. Give full play to the advantages of mountains, waters, humanities, and ecology in southern Anhui, vigorously build a livable and beautiful countryside that highlights the charm of Anhui style and Anhui, and create a world-class leisure, vacation, and health tourism destination of “Dahuangshan”. Provincial-level demonstration counties for leisure agriculture and rural tourism have achieved full coverage, of which Ningguo, Jingxian, and Jixi are national demonstration counties; there is one national key county for leisure agriculture and 13 beautiful leisure villages in China. In the first half of the year, Xuancheng’s leisure agriculture operating income reached 6.245 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9% year-on-year; e-commerce network retail sales reached 5.87 billion yuan, an increase of 27.14% year-on-year. Among them, many e-commerce companies such as Dr. Yang and Duicaodui are at the top of the rankings in their fields.

Improve factor guarantee, undertake platform, and improve policies for development

Xuancheng City took the lead in the province to establish the Xuancheng Green Food Industry Investment Fund with a total scale of 1 billion yuan. This is also the first theme fund in the “three rural” field of Xuancheng City. In order to solve the problem of “difficult and expensive financing” for agricultural operators and promote the high-quality transformation and development of the agricultural industry, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government established the first prefecture-level agricultural policy professional guarantee platform in the province-Xuancheng Ruifeng Agricultural Financing Guarantee Company. Xuancheng City signed a cooperation agreement with the Provincial Agricultural Guarantee and established the Xuancheng Business Management Center. In order to promote the healthy and orderly development of characteristic industries, Xuancheng City has successively launched rice income insurance, pig and egg “insurance + futures” and other characteristic agricultural insurances, effectively reducing the economic risks brought by market price fluctuations to agricultural operators. In accordance with the “one county, one park” requirement, we plan to set up concentrated agricultural product processing parks. Currently, eight have been built, including three with an annual output value of over 5 billion yuan. The Xuancheng exhibition area of ​​the Yangtze River Delta Green Agricultural Products Exhibition and Sales Center was set up in the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center to connect with the Yangtze River Delta and domestic and overseas agricultural product markets and capital resources on a regular basis. Currently, more than 50 companies and more than 100 products have settled in.