Guangxi accelerates the construction of China-ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Zone

As the frontier and window of China’s open cooperation with ASEAN, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is accelerating the construction of China-ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Zone to create a cross-border and cross-regional industrial chain and supply chain. According to information provided by local officials on the 20th, there are 1,221 projects under construction in the China-ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Zone, and the investment in the first seven months of this year was 70.1 billion yuan (RMB, the same below).

Guangxi officials held a site promotion meeting for the construction of industrial parks in the region in Nanning on the same day. From January to July this year, the operation of Guangxi parks continued to improve, and the main indicators achieved rapid growth. The total industrial output value and industrial investment of industrial parks above designated size in the region reached 1.21 trillion yuan and 145.5 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 10% and 6% year-on-year.

Guangxi is the only province in China adjacent to ASEAN by land and sea, and is an important gateway for the organic connection of the “Belt and Road”. The China-ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Zone includes seven areas, including Nanning, Beihai, Fangchenggang, Qinzhou, and Yulin. The location advantages of land and sea channels are obvious, and many areas have achieved seamless transportation connection with ASEAN countries.

According to reports, 60 companies have signed contracts to enter the China-ASEAN Digital Economy Industrial Park with a total investment of about 5.8 billion yuan; the Guangxi Fangchenggang offshore wind power demonstration project with a total investment of about 24.5 billion yuan has generated a total of more than 160 million kWh of electricity; Digital Guangxi Group, relying on the Pingxiang Border Industrial Park and the distance advantage of Vietnam’s “2-hour economic circle”, explored the China-ASEAN electronic product supply chain comprehensive service platform project to create a convenient export channel for Chinese electronic products.

Nanning Mayor Hou Gang said that Nanning is accelerating the construction of projects such as the International Science and Technology Industrial City and the China-ASEAN Cross-border Industrial Integration Development Cooperation Zone, and the construction of the Nanning (Shenzhen) ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Zone has made substantial progress. At present, emerging industries in Nanning are constantly gathering, with BYD as the leader. The entire battery industry chain, including positive and negative electrode materials, aluminum copper foil, and battery cell manufacturing, has begun to take shape, and Nanning has become an important gathering area for China’s new energy industry.

Qian Zhigang, President of Shanghai Huayi Holding Group Co., Ltd., said that Guangxi has good location, policy and resource advantages. Huayi Group chose to build an integrated base for chemical new materials in Qinzhou, Guangxi in 2017. The total planned investment of the project exceeds RMB 90 billion, covering the four major industrial chains of coal chemical industry, light hydrocarbon cracking, salt chemical industry and downstream petrochemical industry. At present, the first and second phase projects have been successfully put into production, forming a strong industrial cluster effect. It is expected that the output value of the project will exceed RMB 100 billion after it is fully completed and put into production.