ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea (10+3) Advanced Manufacturing Matchmaking Conference held

On August 13, the “Create New Opportunities, Chain for the Future” ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea (10+3) Advanced Manufacturing Online Matchmaking Conference was held in Nanning. The matchmaking conference was jointly hosted by the Guangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Guangxi Branch of China Construction Bank, and hosted by the Nanning Free Trade Zone Branch of China Construction Bank. It adopted a combination of online and offline methods, and provided global matchmaking services to more than 100 advanced manufacturing companies from new energy (automobiles, lithium batteries, photovoltaics, etc.), new materials, mechanical equipment, etc. at home and abroad through the “Global Matchmaker” platform of China Construction Bank. At present, 52 cooperation intentions have been reached, with an amount of nearly US$600 million.

It is understood that this event is one of the activities under the framework of the 2024 ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea (10+3) Industrial Chain and Supply Chain Matchmaking Conference. The purpose is to build a “viaduct” for cross-border trade and investment between enterprises, and promote high-quality, efficient, mutually beneficial and pragmatic cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain between regions. ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea have a good cooperation foundation in the field of advanced manufacturing, and can bring new business opportunities to enterprises in many fields and links of the industrial chain and supply chain.

At the matchmaking meeting, Chinese enterprise representatives introduced their products and advantages around international trade business and engineering project construction business, and domestic and foreign guests joined the business negotiations.

“Domestic enterprises can communicate more intuitively and efficiently through one-on-one online ‘cloud’ negotiations with overseas customers.” The relevant person in charge of the organizer introduced that this matchmaking meeting covers a wide region, with enterprises from the ten ASEAN countries, China, Japan and South Korea, and Guangxi and other regions participating; there are many cooperation sectors, involving new energy (automobiles, lithium batteries, photovoltaics, etc.), new materials, mechanical equipment and other advanced manufacturing industries; the event has a good effect, more than 120 domestic and foreign corporate customers participated in the meeting, 93 one-on-one “cloud” negotiations were carried out, and 52 cooperation intentions were reached with an amount of nearly US$600 million.

Next, the organizing committee of the conference will continue to collect the trade and investment needs of enterprises in the 10+3 regions, and use the “CCB Global Matchmaker” platform as a starting point to build an interconnection platform for Chinese enterprises to “go out” and ASEAN and Japanese and Korean enterprises to “come in”, help enterprises integrate into the global capital chain, value chain, and industrial chain, and promote the in-depth development of trade and investment cooperation between ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea.