Wulingyuan District: Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotes Tourism

Since the beginning of this year, the folk drama “Charming Xiangxi” has been performed more than 450 times, receiving 1 million Chinese and foreign tourists.

Wulingyuan has 44 representative intangible cultural heritage projects, including 9 national, provincial and municipal intangible cultural heritage projects. This year, the district has focused on how to make the immersive experience more interesting, actively promoted the integration of intangible cultural heritage and tourism, and used exhibitions, art performances, interactive experiences and other methods to allow tourists to enjoy the pleasure and wonderful experience of visiting scenic spots and tasting humanities.

The district flexibly uses “intangible cultural heritage” elements to create intangible cultural heritage study routes. All 4A-level and above scenic spots in the district have permanent displays of intangible cultural heritage projects, which effectively enhances the cultural connotation of the scenic spots. Wulingyuan Sanbang drums, Tujia bamboo pole dances, etc. are also integrated into the tour projects, creating a series of cultural display and experience attractions such as the National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base of Guaiyaomei Tujia Brocade, Wulingyuan Yuquanyu Gongmi Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop, and Huanglongdong Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop, to promote cultural tourism to be more colorful.

The district transforms “old culture” into “new business opportunities” and introduces intangible cultural heritage products such as Tujia berry tea, Tujia kudzu powder, and Tujia brocade into shopping places in various scenic spots. It vigorously promotes the productive protection of intangible cultural heritage. There are two municipal intangible cultural heritage workshops, and a series of intangible cultural heritage products such as Guaiyaomei Tujia brocade, Yuquanyu tribute rice, and “Zhangjiajie landform” cultural and creative products crystal lamps have been launched, driving the hot sales of intangible cultural heritage products. Deng Shihua, a representative inheritor of provincial intangible cultural heritage projects, said that since this year, he has sold more than 1,500 iron paintings with a profit of more than 100,000 yuan.

The district also highlights the promotion of intangible cultural heritage, broadcasting the “China Micro Business Card” World Heritage Wulingyuan feature film at home and abroad through CCTV mainstream media, and organizing 370 anchors to participate in the “Live Broadcast of Three Thousand Strange Peaks” event, with a total of 3,146 live broadcasts and a total number of viewers exceeding 50 million. The intangible cultural heritage promotion “attracts fans” and brings “traffic”, helping tourism to flourish. From January to July this year, the total number of people entering Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan Scenic Area (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park) exceeded 4.04 million.