Suihua Beilin, project construction starts to accelerate

At the construction site of the agricultural product deep processing project of Suihua Pengyu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., the main structure of the workshop has been basically completed. The workers carefully measured and cut the fire pipes in strict accordance with the operating standards, and cooperated tacitly. The installation of various components of the pipes is progressing steadily. Ma Chunlin, the project leader, introduced: “The installation of the fire pipes of the project is about to be completed. The next step will be indoor and outdoor decoration. It is expected to be put into use at the end of September.” After the completion of the project, it will not only effectively expand the production capacity of the enterprise, but also use advanced technology to carry out deep processing of rice, extend and expand the agricultural industry chain, enhance the market competitiveness of products, and enable products to achieve multiple value-added.

At the construction site of the second phase of the water purification plant construction project in Zhangwei Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, workers are busy finishing the interior decoration of the comprehensive water purification workshop. After the decoration is completed, the filtration materials and equipment will be brought in one after another, and the project can enter the single machine and joint commissioning stage. Yuan Anbang, the technical director, said: “There are more than 20 construction workers in the project at present, and they are working hard to catch up with the progress. After completion, the surface water resources of Hulan River can be precipitated and filtered for production and living water, and the daily water supply of the water purification plant can be increased by about 30,000 tons.” It is understood that the project will greatly alleviate the water pressure of enterprises in the park, and also provide water supply guarantee for enterprises that will settle in the park in the future.

At the site of the continued construction and modernization project of Yong’an Irrigation District in Beilin District, Suihua City, the concrete mixer truck made a powerful roar, and the construction workers were busy pouring concrete, leveling and demolding prefabricated panels. Construction team leader Wang Honggang introduced: “We are making preliminary preparations for the laying of concrete prefabricated panels for the project. The task volume is 400,000 pieces, and 230,000 pieces have been produced so far.” It is understood that the Yong’an Irrigation District is designed to irrigate 75,000 mu of paddy fields. The project scale is a medium-sized irrigation district and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. The construction of the project will further improve the utilization rate of water resources in the irrigation district, consolidate and strengthen the irrigation guarantee capacity, promote agricultural production and efficiency, and increase farmers’ stable income.

Since the beginning of the year, Beilin District has timely coordinated to clear the bottlenecks and difficulties in project construction, provided good service guarantees, and made every effort to promote the early completion, early commissioning, and early effectiveness of the projects. It is understood that Beilin District plans to implement 136 key projects this year, including 26 provincial key projects and 15 provincial key industrial projects. At present, 132 projects have been started or resumed, with a resumption rate of 97.1%, and an investment of 7.46 billion yuan has been completed, with an investment completion rate of 91.4%. Among them, the resumption rate of provincial key projects and provincial key industrial projects has reached 100%.