Huaibei Mining Group’s traditional energy and new energy complement each other to promote high-quality development

Traditional energy industry develops steadily

Relying on its own coal resource advantages, it vigorously promotes coal-electricity joint ventures. It currently has 17 coal mines in production and has built and operated 4*300MW coal sludge gangue power plants. On April 28, the 2*660MW ultra-supercritical unit project of Huaibei Mining Group was officially started. The project is an important supporting power supply project in Anhui Province’s “14th Five-Year Plan”. After completion and operation, it will generate 5.94 billion kWh of electricity per year and achieve an industrial output value of more than 2.5 billion yuan; the project’s designed power supply standard coal consumption is about 265.3g/kW·h, the unit’s designed peak load depth is 20%, and the flue gas pollutant emission concentration reaches the ultra-clean emission standard. A total of 10 intelligent coal mines and 2 intelligent coal preparation plants have been built. Yangliu Mine has been rated as a national intelligent demonstration coal mine, and Wobei Coal Preparation Plant and Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant have been rated as intelligent factories in Anhui Province. Actively implement the “going out” strategy, and the first super-large coal mine built outside the province-Inner Mongolia Taohutu Mine with an annual production capacity of 8 million tons is accelerating construction.

New energy industry accelerates development

Make full use of idle site resources and coalbed methane resources in mining subsidence areas, and vigorously promote new energy power generation projects. After a number of photovoltaic projects such as Qingdong Coal Industry, Zhongli Power Generation, Linhuan Water, and Huasu Co., Ltd. were connected to the grid for power generation in the past two years, in March 2024, the 90MW centralized water surface photovoltaic project in the Yuandian Yijing coal mine subsidence area achieved full capacity grid-connected power generation. This year, it is planned to build and connect a batch of photovoltaic power generation projects; 12 gas power stations have been built and put into operation. Relying on industrial by-product hydrogen resources, the hydrogen energy industry is vigorously developed. The high-purity hydrogen preparation project with venting gas has been officially put into production, producing high-purity hydrogen with a purity of 99.999%, which is the lowest cost among the nine hydrogen production methods released by the National Development and Reform Commission.