The country’s first future industry bond landed in Anhui

The reporter learned from the Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau that recently, Wuhu Yuanda Venture Capital Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first future industry bond in the country on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, raising 890 million yuan, focusing on the three future industries of future display, new energy storage, and artificial intelligence, helping to promote the development and growth of Anhui’s new quality productivity.

In recent years, Anhui has proactively laid out future industries such as general intelligence, quantum technology, and aerospace information. It has a good development foundation in related sub-tracks, and has continuously promoted the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain, building a good ecology suitable for the development of future industries, and accelerating the cultivation and development of new quality productivity. “In order to further strengthen the financial support for future industries, we have deployed a large-scale survey on serving new quality productivity to deeply understand the laws of future industrial development and financing needs. At the same time, we actively cooperate with relevant provincial departments and local governments to strengthen policy publicity and training, optimize regulatory services, and continue to play the role of multi-level capital markets to serve future industries.” A relevant person in charge of the Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau introduced that in the past three years, the average annual growth rate of corporate bond financing in the province has been nearly 40%, promoting the deep integration of “technology-industry-finance” and a virtuous cycle.