Shaanxi’s rule of law government construction is advancing in depth

In the first quarter of this year, the rate of administrative agency heads appearing in court to respond to lawsuits in Shaanxi Province reached 100% for the first time; the legality review rate, filing rate, timely filing rate and standardization rate of government regulations and administrative normative documents reached 100%. On August 22, the Provincial Department of Justice held a special meeting to report on the current implementation of the “Several Measures of Shaanxi Province on Further Promoting the Construction of a Law-Based Government” (hereinafter referred to as the “Several Measures”).

In terms of strengthening the construction of the system of administration according to law, the provincial unified public inquiry platform for Shaanxi Province’s policy documents has been launched on the provincial government portal website, which now includes 212 provincial local regulations, 117 provincial government regulations, and 1,199 administrative normative documents of the provincial government and its departments.

In terms of improving the quality of administrative law enforcement, the Provincial Department of Justice issued the “Notice of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Justice on the Compilation of a List of Provincial Administrative Law Enforcement Matters”, and made arrangements for 52 provincial administrative law enforcement departments in the province. In the field of market supervision, the departmental joint “double random, one public” supervision is fully implemented, and the “double random, one public” is continuously promoted as the basic means and method of market supervision.

In terms of strengthening administrative reconsideration, the Provincial Department of Justice has formulated and issued the “Shaanxi Provincial Department of Justice Administrative Reconsideration Case Handling and Transfer Procedures” and the provincial white paper on administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation, which has greatly improved the first choice rate, mediation rate, error correction rate, and awareness rate of administrative reconsideration. As of the end of July, the province received 7,011 new administrative reconsideration cases, an increase of 77.86% over the same period last year. The ratio of administrative reconsideration to administrative litigation was 1.71:1, and the role of administrative reconsideration as the main channel for substantively resolving administrative disputes has been continuously demonstrated.

In terms of strengthening the construction of law-based administration capabilities, Shaanxi issued the “List of Party Regulations and National Laws that Shaanxi Provincial Leading Cadres Should Know and Understand”, introduced a number of systems, incorporated law-based administration content into the pre-appointment anti-corruption laws and regulations examination for leading cadres at all levels, promoted the establishment of the “three lists and two books” popularization system of the law in the party and government organs of the province, and continued to strengthen administrative litigation work, and actively organized leading cadres to attend court hearings.

In addition, Shaanxi has continuously improved its government governance system. The provincial-level “apply for six categories + public services in accordance with the law” has achieved a “one-time visit” rate of 84.35%, and the promised time limit for matters has been shortened by 43.95% on the basis of the statutory time limit. The proportion of immediate handling matters is 22.73%, and the online handling rate throughout the process has reached 66.95%.

The head of the Provincial Department of Justice said: “We will continue to improve our ideological understanding, refine our work measures, and consolidate our work responsibilities. We will unify the promotion and implementation of the “Several Measures” with the needs of the practice of building a law-based government and meet the expectations of the grassroots and the people. We will focus on the shortcomings and weaknesses and implement them vigorously, and effectively play the leading role of the “Several Measures” in promoting the construction of a law-based government in the province.”