Guizhou’s all-solid-state lithium battery research and development has completed the small-scale trial sample stage

The reporter learned from the Guizhou Provincial Materials Industry Technology Research Institute that the all-solid-state lithium battery developed by the institute has completed the small-scale trial sample stage.

According to reports, the energy density of solid-state batteries is higher than that of traditional liquid lithium batteries. Compared with the energy density of traditional liquid lithium batteries of 200 to 300Wh/kg, solid-state batteries use solid electrolytes, which have a higher energy density than electrolytes, and the current maximum has reached 400Wh/kg.

“In the case of the same volume, solid-state batteries can provide more energy and the battery volume is also smaller.” The relevant person in charge of the Guizhou Provincial Materials Industry Technology Research Institute introduced that all-solid-state batteries can use metal lithium as the negative electrode, which can meet the needs of higher energy density.