Visit Yongzhou and experience the achievements of rural revitalization

In recent years, relying on rich cultural resources and beautiful rural scenery, the vast rural areas of Yongzhou City have vigorously promoted the integrated development of rural cultural tourism and agricultural tourism. The old appearance of the villages has been changed, and many local farmers have made a living from tourism.

The Yao culture is intoxicating, and the ancient monuments attract tourists from all directions

The bonfire dispels the cold. On the evening of November 13, at the folk performance hall of Gou Lan Yao Village, Lanxi Yao Township, Jiangyong County, the original Yao songs and dances performed by local villagers won rounds of applause from tourists.

Villager He Jikun told reporters that he worked in the village planting cooperative during the day and participated in folk performances at night, earning double income.

Villager Ouyang Meifei took over the conversation and said that this year, her homestay was basically full every day.

Gou Lan Yao Village relies on beautiful scenery, profound cultural heritage, and unique folk customs to establish folk performance cooperatives, planting cooperatives, homestay cooperatives, and infrastructure cooperatives. Villagers become shareholders with land and houses, and the “tourism meal” is delicious.

“On September 28 this year, the opening concert of the 2023 Jiangyong Women’s Script International Music Tourism Week was held in the village, attracting a large number of tourists,” said Ouyang Mingjun, the village party secretary.

Shanzhai Village, Tuojiang Town, Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, has well-preserved cliff carvings of Qishou Rock, the National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit Passenger Pavilion and other cultural relics, which have become popular attractions for tourists to check in.

Villager Ou Jieyan used to run a factory in Guangdong. Seeing that more and more tourists came to the village, he returned to his hometown to open a folk theme farm with an annual income of over one million yuan.

Villager Mo Haiyan returned from Guangdong last year to plant 4 acres of strawberries. Tourists came to pick them, with an annual income of more than 100,000 yuan. This year, she expanded the planting of 3 acres of strawberries.

Walking through the village, you can see that farms, farmhouses, fruit picking bases, and tourist product stores are doing a booming business. “Last year, the per capita net income of the whole village reached 18,000 yuan,” said Li Zhengjun, the village party secretary.

Modern rural scenery is good, and villagers become research and study instructors

Sanjia Village, Maozhu Town, Qiyang City, has no cultural advantages, but rural tourism is also booming.

The village relies on the development of modern agriculture to promote the integration of agriculture and tourism.

In early 2016, Sanjia Village introduced Dehui Modern Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., concentrated on the transfer of 5,000 acres of land in the village, built a vegetable base, developed smart agriculture, and 7 vegetable varieties obtained national green food certification.

“Field drip irrigation, greenhouse temperature and humidity, ventilation and air permeability, all can be controlled on the mobile phone, and the quality of soilless cultivated vegetables is better, which attracts tourists to explore.” Village Party Secretary Ma Chunsheng introduced.

Villager Gao Caihong is 50 years old this year. After returning home from Guangdong in 2014, she worked in Dehui Modern Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. She was diligent in learning and quickly mastered the relevant operating skills, managing more than 30 acres of land by herself.

Now, Gao Caihong has a new job – agricultural practice instructor, responsible for explaining knowledge such as seedling cultivation, cultivation, and management to primary and secondary school students who come to study.

At first, she was a little nervous, but now she is more and more confident in giving lectures.

From January to October this year, Sanjia Village received 538,100 tourists and realized tourism revenue of 182 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 42.3%.

The reporter came to Zhoujiaba Village, Wanjing Town, Ningyuan County. The green rapeseed was endless. On the observation deck, tourists climbed up and looked far away, feeling relaxed and happy. There were bursts of laughter in the fruit picking garden.

According to the villagers, in the early years, there were many “palm fields” and “chicken nests” in the village, and the planting efficiency was not high. In 2016, through land transfer and small hills to large hills, high-standard farmland was built, large-scale planting and mechanized production were achieved, and the village also became a provincial beautiful village.

Village cadre Li Hailin told reporters that nowadays, the benefits of farming have improved, and many people come to play. Villagers have built fruit picking gardens, rock climbing and other projects, and the tourism industry is becoming more and more prosperous.