Tourists experience Anhua black tea culture

Tourists immerse themselves in the Anhua dark tea culture

From January to July, the county received more than 20,000 industrial tourists, with operating income exceeding 15 million yuan

“After visiting the dark tea museum of Baishaxi Tea Factory, I felt like I had seen a condensed history of the development of Anhua dark tea, and I had a deeper understanding of the tea-making skills of Fuzhuan tea.” Today, Changsha tourist Wang Yanhui was amazed by the Anhua dark tea culture.

Hunan Baishaxi Tea Factory Co., Ltd., founded in 1939, is known as the “birthplace of Hunan compressed tea and the cradle of national border tea sales”. It has 10 special attractions such as the Dark Tea Museum, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Art Museum, and the old factory buildings in the 1950s. In June this year, the company was selected as one of the attractions of the “Tip of Delicious Experience Tour” of Hunan’s industrial tourism boutique route. In the past three years, the company has received more than 100 research and study teams and more than 100,000 domestic and foreign tourists.

Relying on high-quality ecological resources and taking dark tea as its soul, Anhua has created a number of industrial tourist spots that are both cultural and experiential to meet the diverse and personalized cultural and tourism consumption needs of tourists. At present, Anhua has 7 provincial industrial tourism demonstration sites. From January to July this year, more than 20,000 tourists were received, and the income from industrial tourism business exceeded 15 million yuan.

The Anhua No. 1 Tea Factory has completely preserved the tea-making buildings with the characteristics of the Qing Dynasty, including 14 national or provincial immovable cultural relics, and is known as a living black tea museum. Li Xianfeng, a tourist from Guangdong, said: “The century-old wooden warehouse of the tea factory is well preserved and has a lot of historical and cultural heritage.”

Walk into the tea mountain to experience tea picking and tea making, and experience the unique charm of Anhua black tea. Anhua Yuntaishan Bajiao Tea Co., Ltd., a provincial industrial tourism demonstration site, uses modern means to combine the ecological beauty of the tea mountain with the industrial beauty of the tea factory to create an in-depth tea travel experience tour, attracting domestic and foreign tourists. Gong Yicheng, chairman of Bajiao Tea, introduced that during this summer vacation, the company received more than 2,000 tourists.