Hunan will implement 102 aid projects in Xinjiang this year

The 2024 Xinjiang Aid Project High-Quality Promotion Meeting was held in Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Reporters learned from the meeting that this year, our province plans to implement 102 Xinjiang aid projects in Turpan, and plans to allocate 376 million yuan in aid funds for Xinjiang.

This year, Hunan will focus on the key tasks of counterpart aid to Xinjiang in the new era, invest more funds for Xinjiang aid projects in the field of people’s livelihood and at the grassroots level, and promote Xinjiang aid projects to benefit people’s livelihood more and better unite people’s hearts in a “small incision” and “wide coverage” way. Including the implementation of a number of major livelihood projects such as the Gaochang District Drinking Water Source Interconnection Project, the Toksun County Happiness Courtyard Supporting Infrastructure Project, and the Shanshan County Tuyugou Township Infrastructure Quality Improvement Project, to continuously improve people’s well-being; implementing a number of key projects such as Turpan City’s special activities to promote consumption through culture and tourism, supporting and strengthening village collective economic projects, and park soft power improvement projects, to pragmatically promote industrial aid to Xinjiang; implementing a number of key projects such as the “Pomegranate Seeds to the Motherland” youth exchange project, the “Red Pomegranate” 1+1 Hunan-Tuxin Tongxin Studio project, the “Pomegranate Flower·Women’s Aid to Xinjiang” project, the Mass Village Evening Project, and the project of creating Chinese cultural symbols and the visual image of the Chinese nation, to widely promote exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups.

In addition, this year, more models of ethnic unity, rural cadres, and leaders in getting rich will be organized to visit Hunan for study, exchanges, and exchanges; continue to promote and popularize the national common language and characters, enhance the “five identities”, and tell the stories of Xinjiang, Turpan, and Hunan’s aid to Xinjiang in a three-dimensional and vivid way, and build the counterpart aid to Xinjiang into a project to strengthen ethnic unity.

In 2023, Hunan implemented 88 aid projects in Xinjiang, allocated 376 million yuan in aid funds, and achieved a 100% start-up rate, fully completing the annual construction goals and tasks.