Unlocking the “new way to play” in Huangshan

Keep up with the trend

Implant cultural and technological elements

“This ice cream has the pattern of the Welcoming Pine printed on it, which is both beautiful and delicious.” At the “Huangshan Good Gift” cultural and creative experience store in Huangshan Beihai Scenic Area, Chongqing tourist Jiang Jiajia praised the “Welcoming Pine” ice cream. In addition to the shape of the Welcoming Pine, the scenic spot check-in map on the packaging box also made her feel full of creativity.

“We keep up with the market popularity of cultural and creative ice cream, and continue to upgrade the shape, taste and outer packaging of ice cream. At present, we have launched 6 ice creams with different flavors and shapes.” Wang Yuxin, manager of the human resources and administration department of Huangshan Huaxu Tourism Culture and Creative Co., Ltd., said that in addition to ice cream, the company has also launched a series of Huizhou intangible cultural heritage refrigerator magnets, postcards, etc. At present, there are 15 “Huangshan Good Gift” cultural and creative experience stores in Huangshan Scenic Area, and a total of 11 series of more than 300 cultural and creative products have been launched, forming a product system that integrates eating, drinking, playing and using.

In addition to “eating”, the “living” in Huangshan Scenic Area has also been updated.

“You can watch the sunrise and sunset of Huangshan Mountain while lying in bed.” In order to meet the diverse, personalized and high-quality accommodation needs of tourists, the “Shilin Cliff House” B&B located at the Lion Peak of Beihai Scenic Area opened to the public in June last year. In addition to the 360-degree panoramic terrace, the B&B also provides health care services such as healing and retreat.

“The five-sense healing series of activities we launched can help customers achieve physical and mental health care.” Zhang Li, the owner of the B&B, said that with the good accommodation experience, the B&B was listed on the “Ctrip 2024 Global 100 New Hot Hotels” list.

The innovation of “travel” is mainly due to technological empowerment.

“At the transfer points, cable car stations, ticket offices and other places in the scenic area, as long as you scan the “Smart Huangshan” QR code, you can enjoy the scenic area’s free “smart tour guide.” Tian Hong, deputy director of the Information Center of Huangshan Scenic Area, introduced that the “Smart Huangshan” applet integrates functions such as guided tours, explanations, and inquiries, and has functions such as real-life guided tours and real-time passenger flow, so that tourists can get a service experience like city navigation.

“At present, tourists are no longer satisfied with simple sightseeing when they come to Huangshan. Therefore, we have implanted more cultural and technological elements into new cultural tourism products and services.” Tian Hong said that the scenic spot will also improve digital service and marketing capabilities in multiple dimensions, actively promote the development and upgrading of the digital tourism industry, and provide tourists with a more intelligent, efficient, rich and convenient new tourism experience.

Focus on experience

From “seeing the scenery” to “entering the scenery”

“Entering the game “Moonlight Blade”, you can not only see the Welcoming Pine, “Monkey Watching the Sea”, “Dream Brush Flowers” and other attractions, but also choose their scenes in different seasons and climates.” Wu Xiaohan, deputy chief of the Financial Budget Management Section of the Economic Development Bureau of the Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee, said.

In order to fully explore and utilize the mountain and water resources of Huangshan, the scenic area joined hands with the national style online game “Moonlight Blade” to embed the beautiful scenery of Huangshan into the fantasy world of the online game, realizing the wonderful crossing of virtual and reality, so that more young people and game enthusiasts can know and love the beautiful scenery and profound culture of Huangshan.

“In addition to cooperating with “Tian Ya Ming Yue Dao”, we also joined hands with the animation “Climbing Immortals” on Bilibili B to carry out a large-scale IP linkage event with the theme of “Extraordinary Climbing.” Wu Xiaohan said that in the future, Huangshan Scenic Area will try more cross-border cooperation, explore the personalized and experiential tourism needs of young people in multiple dimensions, and create more new cultural and tourism scenes.

In addition to online games, many hotels in Huangshan Scenic Area have also launched fashionable and interesting services and new consumption scenes to meet the immersive experience needs of tourists and let people who see the scenery “enter the scenery”.

“We use the square in front of the hotel to create a market that integrates shopping, travel, and interactive experience.” Wang Zhonghua, general manager of Huangshan Xihai Hotel, said that tourists can taste afternoon tea and experience intangible cultural heritage handicrafts.

In order to let tourists feel the unique charm of intangible cultural heritage, the Paiyun-type travel hotel located in Huangshan Xihai Scenic Area has opened a “Searching for Intangible Cultural Heritage” project display area in the lobby, introducing intangible cultural heritage products such as rhinoceros skin lacquer crafts, paper cutting, and shadow puppetry. In addition, the hotel also regularly holds the “Playing in Paiyun·Fish Dragon Dance” event.

“With the continuous enrichment and improvement of new consumption and service scenes such as markets and intangible cultural heritage, traveling to Huangshan is no longer just about ‘watching the mountains and scenery’, but also about the in-depth experience of ‘traveling in the mountains and entering the scenery’.” Wu Chunhui, deputy general manager of the hotel business department of Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. said.

Transformation and development

Promote the upgrade and optimization of “low mountain tours”

Enter from the Qingliang Gate, walk up the Qingliang Road, and reach the Qingliang World. “Here the sky is blue, the water is green, the vegetation coverage rate is high, and the air is fresh and refreshing.” Huang Yinyu, a recuperator from Hefei, said that Huangshan is a natural oxygen bar, especially suitable for recuperation.

“Only advanced management, high-quality services and effective supply can win social recognition.” Li Haili, director of the Huangshan Workers’ Sanatorium, said that in recent years, the hospital has continuously upgraded and renovated its infrastructure and further optimized the hardware and software for recuperation. During the recuperation period, the hospital will organize the recuperators to visit Huizhou ancient dwellings, clean government education bases, red education bases, Huizhou History Museum, etc., carry out health consultations, health examinations, and health lectures, and provide the recuperators with an excellent journey of “eye cleansing”, “lung cleansing” and “body care”.

The Huangshan Geological Park Museum, located in the Yungu Temple Scenic Area, is on the only way for tourists to go up and down the mountain. In addition to displaying animal specimens unique to Huangshan, the museum also uses scientific and technological means to create a “geological evolution time and space tunnel” to simulate the geological evolution process of Huangshan. “I saw many paleontological fossils and animal specimens, and learned a lot of geographical and biological knowledge.” Bai Jinyi, a child from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, said.

“To help tourists gain a deeper understanding of Huangshan’s geology and landforms, we have rewritten the museum’s explanations to make them more understandable. The 20 popular science explanation boards erected in the south square of the museum also systematically display the diversity of Huangshan’s geology, biology, culture, landscape and ecosystem.” Deputy Director Miao Peng introduced that the museum has cooperated with many research and study institutions and travel agencies across the country, and has received more than 130,000 visitors and research and study teenagers since this year.

“To do a good job in expanding capacity, improving quality and increasing efficiency, we must change our thinking and develop towards low mountain areas. At present, the most promising markets in low mountain areas are the silver market, research and study market and eco-tourism market.” Cheng Jingming, director of the Tourism Office of the Economic Development Bureau of the Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee, said that in July this year, the scenic area set up a special working group to promote low mountain tourism and clarified 20 key tasks in the near future. All departments are taking active actions to improve infrastructure and improve management services.