Susong County Intangible Cultural Heritage – Susong Woodcarving

Susong woodcarving originated in the late Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, and reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty. The carving categories are complete, ranging from beds, money boxes, desks, stools, chairs, cabinets, screens, dressing tables, palace lanterns, flower tables, screens, to abacus, chess and cards, chopsticks, ink boxes, flowers and birds, etc. The themes are mainly to render a peaceful and happy atmosphere. Craftsmen of all generations used wood and knives to carve out the temperament of mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, and the harmony of all things in a deep and shallow, a millimeter and a centimeter.

Process: material selection, drawing, blanking, carving, decoration, etc.

In September 2008, Susong woodcarving was approved by the Susong County People’s Government to be included in the first batch of county-level intangible cultural heritage protection list.