Shanghai police strengthens rectification to create a fair cultural and tourism consumption environment

Since the summer vacation, Shanghai’s cultural and tourism market has continued to be hot, and the number of tourists in major popular scenic spots has increased significantly. However, some behaviors that disrupt public order have affected the tourists’ good experience. In recent days, relying on the new police operation model of “professionalism + mechanism + big data”, the Shanghai police have continued to carry out special crackdown and rectification operations, and resolutely cracked down on and rectified tourism-related illegal and criminal behaviors such as fraudulent consumption, reselling tickets, and peddling disorder. Since the special operation, more than 40 related cases have been investigated and dealt with, and more than 60 people involved in the case have been arrested.

As a “check-in point” for sightseeing in Shanghai, the Bund has been crowded with tourists since the summer vacation. Recently, some people reported that they encountered fraudulent consumption when sightseeing on the Bund. Some people claimed: “For 180 yuan, you can take a cruise ship to tour the Huangpu River at night + climb the top of Shanghai Center”, but the final tourist itinerary became “cross-river ferry + sightseeing on the 88th floor of Jinmao Tower”. The police widely collected clues of the case, quickly launched a crackdown and rectification operation, and recently successfully smashed the illegal and criminal gang headed by Bai. Upon investigation, it was found that the gang fabricated facts, concealed the truth, and took advantage of the fact that tourists were unfamiliar with the place and people. They recruited tourists under the pretext of taking a Huangpu River sightseeing cruise and visiting the rooftop of Shanghai Tower, but actually took tourists to visit Jinmao Tower by ferry, defrauding the price difference and making illegal profits. At present, Bai and five others have been criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law.

In addition to sightseeing, animation exhibitions have also become a target for criminals to make profits. In mid-July, the highly anticipated Shanghai International Digital Entertainment and Animation Culture Expo was held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, and a large number of animation fans from all over the country rushed to this visual feast. On July 14, when the police on duty at the scene, they found that someone forcibly pulled open the iron fence on the scene and stuffed people without tickets into the venue. After investigation, Liu and Wang met and recruited tourists without tickets at the gate of the National Exhibition and Convention Center, claiming that they had a “way” to bring people into the venue. In fact, they forcibly brought tourists into the venue by distracting the attention of volunteers at the ticket gate and destroying the security facilities on the scene, making illegal profits. At present, the two people have been administratively detained by Qingpu police in accordance with the law.

In order to continue to purify the Shanghai tourism market, the Shanghai police will further crack down on and rectify tourism-related illegal and criminal acts such as fraudulent consumption, reselling tickets, and peddling disorder. At the same time, they will strengthen the work connection with relevant administrative departments, urge the source of venue order management, plug the loopholes in industry management, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. At the same time, we remind tourists to be vigilant against tourism promotions that attract attention with low prices and operate below cost. If necessary, please choose a regular travel agency to join a group tour.