Harbin area of ​​the Pilot Free Trade Zone has seen a steady increase in foreign trade quality and quantity

The reporter learned from the Harbin section of the free trade pilot zone that since this year, the section has taken the implementation of the free trade pilot zone promotion strategy as a starting point, focusing on trade, investment, channels, and platform construction, and strived to build an innovative carrier and important platform to serve the national strategy. In the first half of this year, the section actually utilized 17.359 billion yuan of domestic capital, a year-on-year increase of 30.1%, accounting for 25.2% of Harbin; the actual utilization of foreign capital was 43.736 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 42.5%, accounting for 83.6% of Harbin; the total import and export volume reached 5.866 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 35.6%, 30.1 percentage points higher than Harbin, 25.9 percentage points higher than the province, and 29.5 percentage points higher than the country, and the quality of foreign trade has increased and the quantity has remained stable. From January to July, a total of 3,485 new enterprises were added in the section.

It is reported that since this year, the Harbin section of the free trade pilot zone has accelerated the pace of institutional innovation, focused on key areas and key links, and explored a reform path of learning and copying, digesting and absorbing, integrating innovation, and extending and promoting. In the first half of this year, two pilot tasks were completed: “Attracting international high-end medical enterprises and R&D institutions to gather, and cultivating new formats for the integrated development of rehabilitation, fitness, health preservation and leisure tourism” and “Studying and promoting the construction of a permanent venue for the China-Russia Expo”. So far, a total of 74 pilot tasks have been completed. At the same time, we actively benchmarked and compared the 349 advanced experiences explored and formed by other free trade pilot zones across the country, and actively learned from them in combination with actual conditions. In the first half of this year, 20 advanced experiences such as “integrated innovation of cross-border trade and investment facilitation” and “new model of ‘five forces’ in scientific and technological innovation” were replicated and promoted. So far, a total of 254 advanced experiences have been replicated.

The Harbin area of ​​the free trade pilot zone also actively carried out independent innovation. In January this year, the “non-sensing renewal of enterprise licenses” was successfully selected as the “best practice cases” of the fifth batch of free trade pilot zones in the country, and the “North-South co-construction of enclave industrial parks (Shenha Industrial Park)” was selected as the third batch of national promotion of reform pilot experiences, and institutional innovation work has made breakthrough progress. In the first half of the year, 45 new institutional innovation cases were newly acquired and cultivated. So far, a total of 240 institutional innovation cases have been cultivated, and 49 of them have been selected as provincial cases.

In order to promote high-quality development of foreign trade, Harbin Area of ​​the Pilot Free Trade Zone has formulated the Action Plan for Promoting High-quality Development of Trade in Harbin New Area and Pilot Free Trade Zone, centering on the provincial “4567” modern industrial system and the provincial Free Trade Office’s “428 Key Industrial Platform” investment promotion guidelines, to accelerate the cultivation of new advantages in trade competition. First, cultivate new growth points for foreign trade. Encourage pilot enterprises for second-hand car export such as Zhongji, Kaihua, and Xun’an to expand their business, and the second-hand car pilot enterprises in the area have completed exports of 237 million yuan. Longjiang Guanghan has completed the supply of 11 sets of generator sets with an export value of 230 million yuan. Maiyuan E-commerce has been successfully selected as the “National Cultural Export Key Enterprise for 2023-2024”, and is the only enterprise selected in Heilongjiang Province. Second, serve the development of foreign trade enterprises. The “port visa” green channel for regular personnel is opened on a regular basis, and the time limit for business entry approval for foreign personnel is shortened to 1 day. Actively organize foreign trade enterprises in the area to participate in the RCEP online training of the Provincial Department of Commerce to strengthen the understanding and interpretation of RCEP economic and trade rules.

The Harbin area of ​​the Pilot Free Trade Zone has built a cooperation platform, strengthened international exchanges, and established a new pattern of exchanges and cooperation in all directions, at multiple levels, and in a wide range of fields. It has actively prepared to participate in the 8th China-Russia Expo and the 33rd Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair, and held a special promotion event of “Ice City Elegance, New Area Sonata”, which has demonstrated the leading role and carrying capacity of Harbin New Area in foreign cooperation from six aspects such as industrial cooperation and technological leadership from multiple angles and dimensions. The Harbin Area International Trade Promotion Association of the Pilot Free Trade Zone was established. The “Qualified Foreign Limited Partner (QFLP) Domestic Equity Investment Management Measures (Trial)” was formulated and issued, and it was approved to become the first QFLP pilot area in Heilongjiang Province. It discussed fund cooperation with the China-Korea Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center and the Korea Investment Partners (China) Fund, explored the establishment of a “China-Korea Cooperation Industrial Park or Incubator”, and promoted the gathering of China-Korea high-tech industries in the area.

At the same time, it efficiently integrates logistics resources, accelerates the implementation and construction of international logistics, improves the efficiency and level of logistics services, and effectively guarantees the high-quality development of international trains and cross-border integrated logistics. With the strong support of the provincial, municipal and local customs, the main leaders of the area led a team to the General Administration of Customs to report and strive for it. Warehouse No. 3 and the supervision warehouse were approved by the customs to be established as public bonded warehouses, which can provide bonded warehousing, transit trade, simple processing, logistics and distribution services. Support the construction of the “Longmaotong” China-Russia International Material Trade Comprehensive Service Platform, continue to optimize the business process of comprehensive foreign trade services, and achieve “full coverage of railway transportation data in 15 countries jointly building the “Belt and Road”. Launch the largest marshaling train in the country and complete the first new “railway-road-rail” multimodal transport model.