A Shanghai man drained his mother of 2 million yuan and defrauded her friends of nearly 10 million yuan


After the man “drained” his mother’s savings of nearly 2 million yuan, he colluded with others to continue to defraud his mother’s friends of nearly 10 million yuan.

Recently, the Xuanqiao Police Station of the Pudong Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau received a report from Mr. Li that his friend Ms. Wang had repeatedly asked him to borrow money on the grounds that her son had an accident, and now suspected that she had been deceived. After receiving the report, the police quickly launched an investigation, carefully analyzed the case, retrieved the bank’s fund flow, and fixed the chat evidence. The investigation found that since August 2022, Mr. Li has transferred a total of more than 9.89 million yuan to Ms. Wang and her son.

At first, Ms. Wang repeatedly asked Mr. Li to borrow money for turnover on the grounds that her son was “sick” and “had a car accident”, and Mr. Li believed in Ms. Wang’s request for help. By August 2023, more than 2 million yuan had been lent in just one year.

Afterwards, Ms. Wang claimed that her son was involved in an economic lawsuit, and borrowed money again in the name of “paying lawyer fees” and “the judge contacted and said it was involved in other cases”, and Mr. Li transferred millions to her again.

It was not until July 2024 that Mr. Li realized that he might have been cheated when his bank card balance was insufficient.

At first, the police suspected that Ms. Wang had defrauded Mr. Li’s money under the pretext of various emergencies of her son, but after in-depth investigation, they found that Ms. Wang was very likely to be a victim. So the police turned the direction of investigation to Ms. Wang’s son Zhang.

After investigation, Zhang and his friend Shen and others were suspected of committing a major crime. After squatting and ambushing day and night, the police finally arrested Zhang, Shen and their accomplices Gao and Zhao.

After being arrested, Zhang truthfully confessed that he had made up reasons many times to deceive his mother, Ms. Wang, to transfer money to him because he was “tight on money.” After Zhang “drained” Ms. Wang’s savings of nearly 2 million yuan over the years, he thought of his mother’s friend, the victim, Mr. Li. Because Mr. Li was the boss of the company, he thought he could defraud more money from Mr. Li. Therefore, since August 2022, Zhang instigated his friend Shen and others to pretend to be court judges, lawyers, etc., and repeatedly conveyed to Ms. Wang that Zhang was sued, resulting in more than 9 million yuan in Zhang’s bank card being frozen, and he needed to compensate others for the money before it could be unfrozen. Ms. Wang believed her son’s words and asked for help from her friend Mr. Li many times. Based on his trust in Ms. Wang, Mr. Li called Shen, who pretended to be a judge, to confirm the situation and then transferred the money to Ms. Wang.

As of July this year, Zhang and others had defrauded more than 9.89 million yuan from Mr. Li, and the money they defrauded was basically squandered by Zhang and others.

At present, the suspects Zhang and Shen have been approved for arrest by the procuratorate for suspected fraud, and Gao and Zhao have been detained by the police for suspected fraud in accordance with the law. The case is now under further trial.